Saturday 3 December 2016

Urinary tract infections

The urinary tract is that part of our body shown in the picture above.The kidneys make the urine and sends it to the bladder through the two ureters.The bladder receives the urine and stores it until it is almost full and then we get the sensation to "Go". The urethra transports the urine to the outside as shown above.The urethra in a woman is shorter than that of a man.This factor makes women more prone to to urinary tract infection,aka UTI.

UTI are usually caused by bacterial infection of the urinary tract.They are commonest in the bladder but if left untreated can spread to the kidneys and cause permanent damage.Bladder infection (cystitis) often coexists with the infection of the (urethritis) and this explains the burning sensation felt by an infected person during urination.

Factors that can increase a person's chance of getting a UTI includes:
1.Being a woman,our short urethra makes it easier for bacteria to crawl up and cause infection
2.Pregnancy(Weakens the immune system).Also using contraceptives methods like spermicide,diaphragm
3.Sexual intercourse
4.Unprotected sexual intercourse with an infected partner
5.Weak immune system
6.Urinary Procedures:Caheter,surgery,etc
7.Urinary tract problems: malformation,bladder or kidney stones,etc

Symptoms most commonly associated with UTI
1.Lower abdominal/pelvic pain
2.Strong urge to quickly pass urine
3.Passing small amount of urine at a time
4.Painful/burning sensation when passing out urine
5.Dark or coke coloured urine
6.Clowdy urine that may also smell bad

Fever is a sign that the infection has spread up to the kidneys.
What to do?
See a doctor.UTIs are easily treatable with antibiotics.Do not wait if you have any of the listed symptoms,and do not self medicate.Your doctor may likely ask you to do a lab test to determine the best antibiotic for your UTI
.Reasons because they are different bacterials that can cause UTI and each one may be treatable with different antibiotic.

Source Dr Kharis

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