Thursday 6 April 2017

How Julie Saint-Fleur became a Burn Survivor

Julie S is a burn survivor who was trying  to take food orders at a night club when two customers got involve in an argument. One of them took out a gun and started shooting but unfortunately for Julie whiles trying to run at the sound of the gun  shot,a fryer was knocked over and she was splashed with boiling cooking oil. She was rushed to plantation general hospital where she was said to have 1st and 2nd degree burn on her backside and was later transported to Kendall Regional Medical Center where she undergone several surgeries and was discovered she actually has 2nd and 3rd degree burns. Irrespective of the burns  she still remains beautiful as ever and recovering beautifully well. Here's what she has to say.

" When I first got Burned I made the decision to be honest and open about recovering mentally and physically. I made it my business to share my experience because I learned that so many more people in this world struggled with accepting themselves whether it was internal or external scarring. I never wanted people to think this was easy but I also didn't want them to think this was something they can't overcome. These 8 months have been a rollercoster. My world was changing and I had to catch up. In my eyes I wanted things to move faster than they were. Time and time again the people around would stress the importance of being patient! Time is a great teacher and life never goes as planned. 8months later I've learned to trust time. Things won't usually go how we imagine or when we expected the timing is always right. When we least expect it our lives can change and if we are patient enough to learn the lessons being taught,it can be a beautiful experience"

You can always feel beautiful only when stop worrying about what people think and concentrate on yourself . No one is perfect,learn to love your imperfections and love yourself. Never beg to be loved and then you would realize that "Self Love" is the key to being happy! 

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