Friday 12 May 2017

Check out these amazing products by lo'real paris

The Glam Beige is a makeup essentials by lo'real Paris which exists in a liquid, powder and cushion.  Get a feel of these amazing products and share on the wonderful experience with lo'real Paris!

Guide to a healthy virginal

The virginal is part of the female reproductive system. Contrary to popular belief. The virginal is an internal organ while the part located outside is the vulva. The vulva is generally the only part we can clean, using water and mild soap.

The virginal is the part of the female sex organ that is most active during sexual intercourse. Although it has the ability to clean itself and does not require any washing, it can be prone to infections. Infections in this area can spread up to cervix, uterus (womb), Fallopian tubes and ovaries. These infections can result in infertility.
Three common virginal infections.
1. Yeast infection/ Candidiasis
2. Bacterial Vaginosis
3. Trichomoniasis
These three infections have similar symptoms but are caused by different organisms. They are also treated differently making it important to know which type of infection you have before popping pills.
1. They are many virginal washes in the market. Never use them to clean the inside of the virginal. Wash only the outside.
2. The PH of the normal virginal is acidic. Therefore, anything that interferes with this can cause infection. Avoid the use of medicated soaps, very hot water and unrecommended substances.
3. Do not Douche by introducing fluids or soaps into the internal area of the virginal to wash it. This will make you prone to infections. Allow the virginal to clean itself .
4. Odors are a sign that something is wrong. It may mean infection, increased body activity, some foods or wrong underwear.
Cotton under wear are the best. If you suspect an infection, see a doctor.
5. Itching and pain are also signs that something is wrong.
6. Sex toys can expose you to infections. Avoid sharing of sex toys.
7. Some women do not seceret enough virginal fluid and need a lubricants or petroleum jelly, like vasiline. These can increase the chances of infections and may cause the condom to tear.
8. Condoms are helpful in preventing sexually transmitted infections. They are not hundred percent safe but they are effective.
Live healthy!

Source Dr kharis Effiong

Thursday 6 April 2017

How Julie Saint-Fleur became a Burn Survivor

Julie S is a burn survivor who was trying  to take food orders at a night club when two customers got involve in an argument. One of them took out a gun and started shooting but unfortunately for Julie whiles trying to run at the sound of the gun  shot,a fryer was knocked over and she was splashed with boiling cooking oil. She was rushed to plantation general hospital where she was said to have 1st and 2nd degree burn on her backside and was later transported to Kendall Regional Medical Center where she undergone several surgeries and was discovered she actually has 2nd and 3rd degree burns. Irrespective of the burns  she still remains beautiful as ever and recovering beautifully well. Here's what she has to say.

" When I first got Burned I made the decision to be honest and open about recovering mentally and physically. I made it my business to share my experience because I learned that so many more people in this world struggled with accepting themselves whether it was internal or external scarring. I never wanted people to think this was easy but I also didn't want them to think this was something they can't overcome. These 8 months have been a rollercoster. My world was changing and I had to catch up. In my eyes I wanted things to move faster than they were. Time and time again the people around would stress the importance of being patient! Time is a great teacher and life never goes as planned. 8months later I've learned to trust time. Things won't usually go how we imagine or when we expected the timing is always right. When we least expect it our lives can change and if we are patient enough to learn the lessons being taught,it can be a beautiful experience"

You can always feel beautiful only when stop worrying about what people think and concentrate on yourself . No one is perfect,learn to love your imperfections and love yourself. Never beg to be loved and then you would realize that "Self Love" is the key to being happy! 

Sunday 5 February 2017

Things you should know about Balanitis (infection of the penile head or foreskin)

Balanitis refers to infection on the head of the male genital organ and may involve the foreskin (posthitis). The infection causes swelling,redness and itching in the affected areas and is more common among uncircumcised males.

Balanitis is caused by overgrowth of bacteria or Candida albicans on the penile head or foreskin.Candidal balanitis is the equivalent of vaginal candidiasis in men.
Risk factors include:
1. Poor hygiene
2. Use of harsh soaps or chemicals,perfumed soaps,lotions or powders
3. Not rinsing soap off properly
4. Uncontrolled diabetes
5. Some drugs - Such as painkillers,sleeping pills, tetracycline, laxatives(drugs use in inducing diarrhea) and some medications used in treatment of type two diabetes
6. Reactive arthritis
7. Presence of other sexually transmitted infections
1. Tightened foreskin
2. Pain in the genital area
3. Discharge
4. Itching
5. Painful urination
6. Weak or failed erection

Treatment depends on the cause which could be by:
1. Antibiotic cream or tablets
2. Atifungal medication (cream or oral tablets)
3. Steroid creams to alleviate any skin disorders.It is best to see a doctor before taking any medication cause some test would be carried out to determine the exact organism responsible for the infection so you can get treated. Self medication may make Balanitis become hard to treat.
Keep the penile head and foreskin clean and dry. Avoid all risk factors listed above .

Source Dr Kharis

Saturday 4 February 2017

Wedding glam

Congratulations to the latest couples in town Yvonne jegede and husby,Wish you both a happy married life!

Story of a girl that went from being fat to being slim

The day Oyinkansola's life changed,she says"people always ask me what made me jump on this lifestyle of change or how will I assure that I keep the weight off.Well,this picture says it all. THROW BACK TO TWO YEARS AGO! Complications after complications,what was suppose to be a one night stint turned to two weeks. I had a tube through my nose,aspirating my stomach contents because my oesophageal tract was too weak. I had all sorts of tubes running through me. The veins in my arms eventually got so dried up that they had to collect blood from my feet. I couldn't move,couldn't talk. I was in so much pain or discomfort.

Just being me is the sofa my mum slept on for two weeks. She never left my side.This was the day after my worst night,things were so bad that I had a nurse monitoring my vitals through the night. I was so scared to close my eyes. This morning I prayed and made a convanents with God and haven't looked back since. This post may over the top for some but my point is, nobody should have to get to this point before they take that decision to turn their alive around. There are so many side effects of living an unhealthy lifestyle and till the day i die, I will continue to bring awareness to this"
Below is a picture of her before and after.
If she can do it,who says you can't? Well you can do it also,once you are ready and determined to live a healthy life by eating healthy and exercising. You don't have to be ashamed of your body cause you can also be this beautiful. If you've started working on your body,Never give up,you would archive that body goal soonest. For more on Oyinkansola's transformation,you can contact her via this email 

Friday 3 February 2017

Beauty glam of the week

Ways of dealing with bad breath

Apparently,halitosis, also known as "fetor oris" is becoming really common of late Due to some causes most people ain't aware of..Below are possible causes and solutions or ways to avoid bad breath.

Bacteria in the mouth constantly digest food particles and other dead cells resulting in bacterial waste  and other products which give off a fowl smell.The process is worst at night because saliva which helps to wash off these food particles and wastes, is produced only in small amounts at night.

Several factors can make the foul smell from the mouth worse, leading to bad breath.
1. Habits - Poor dental hygiene,eating certain foods (onions, garlic, coffee), smoking/tobacco use, alcohol .
2. Disease conditions - Dry mouth, respiratory tract infections, liver failure, kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, etc.

Halitosis is both preventable and treatable with such routine or home remedies
1. Brush twice daily - In the morning and at night using popular Nigerian brands such as Euthymol and close up(the red paste). Worldwide picks are: Colgate Enamel health, Colgate optic white, and crest pro health.
2. Gargle with warm water before and after brushing to loosen up greasy food particles that may be stuck to the teeth or gums. Proper brushing involves brushing your teeth,gums, tongue and the roof of your mouth. Bacteria build up in these areas and brushing the teeth alone is not sufficient hygiene.
3. Use alcohol free mouth wash to rinse out the mouth once daily.
4. Cook your onion and garlic. Eating onion and garlic cooked in food is less likely to cause bad mouth odor.
5. Drink a lot of fluids. The more water you take,the more saliva you would produce. Saliva helps wash off the wastes.
6. Quit smoking, tobacco,snuff and alcohol.
7. Eat fruits with high water content: Oranges,apples,grapes and berries. Most fruits are acidic and will clean out the mouth.The water content is also helpful for rinsing clinical treatment.
See a doctor to treat underlying health conditions and also visit the dentist more often.
Always stay healthy.

Source: Dr Kharis

Sunday 8 January 2017

Oncoming Pagentry Audition for Miss Unique Beauty 2017

Audition,Audition,Audition! Have you ever thought of being a beauty queen or you are interested in being a beauty queen.Well,this might be it.Miss Unique beauty pageant is all about empowering ladies and giving them the opportunity to pursue their career in pageantry where the winner gets to take home a prestigious car,a year make up product,a visit to Dubai,a shopping vouchers at the Dubai mall of the Emirates,win a cash prize and gets to be a brand ambassador and much more.

All you need do is walk into any fidelity bank nation wide
Credit/Deposit your registration fee which will cost you 50cedis into the following account details ACCT NAME: GLAMOROUS EVENTS CONSULT
ACCT NO:2780485793512

After which a receipt will be given to you.Make sure to come  along with it and a passport size photograph to the audition ground for your registration forms.Payment can still be made on the Day of audition to purchase the forms,that's if you were unable to make payment at the bank.Is never too late,don't miss out .

For those at ACCRA the audition date is on the 21st JAN 2017.Which would be held at the PALOMA HOTEL (OPP ICGC-SPINTEX) at 7:30am and for those at Kumasi,the date is on the 14th JAN 2017 at the Venue CEETE-KEL HOTEL (OPP STADIUM HOTEL) at 7:30am

For more Details CALL/WHATSAPP 0249-958032/0246-686267/0202-761622.